Player Stores - Jobs DLC Image Thumbnail

Extend your Advanced Player Stores to the next level, where the employees can do delivery & order jobs to run the business better!

Payments handled by




Delivery Jobs

Delivery jobs for your employees to deliver orders to customers.

Order Jobs

Order jobs for your employees to do, like restocking.

And as always, at RX:

Highly Configurable

Almost all options can be configured. Refer to our documentation to see the full configuration.

Discord Logs

Integrated Discord webhook logs.

Fully Optimized

Ensure smooth and efficient performance through our commitment to coding excellence.

Exports & Events

Build further upon the script with the exports and events we provide.

Partially Open-Sourced

A significant portion of our code is open-sourced, allowing for flexibility and customization of frameworks, inventories and such.

Fully Translatable

Supports complete translation for wider accessibility.

Fully Synced

The script is fully synchronized across all players, ensuring simultaneous actions and status updates.