Loosen and scrap the parts of your car in return for rewards! Make sure not to be suspicious before the cops get called on you! With our suspicion system (disableable) you can make the worker call the cops whenever a player fails the scrapping minigame multiple times, or gives a suspicious reason for scrapping at the start. Loosen the parts of your car by completing a minigame (custom minigame implementable too), and welding. After loosening a part of the car, bring it to the scrap table and scrap it into pieces (items) as reward. Check out the youtube preview for an in-depth explanation & showcase of this script!
Chopshop Integration
Suspicion Triggers
Custom Minigame
Failing Alerts
Random Vehicle Spawn
Vehicle Deletion
Blacklisting Feature
Part Loosening
Part Scrapping
Multiple Chopshops
Rewards System
Chopping Cooldown
Blips for Chopshops
And as always, at RX:
Highly Configurable
Discord Logs
Fully Optimized
Exports & Events
Partially Open-Sourced
Fully Translatable
Fully Synced